We are firm believers in the 16:1 ratio. That means for every 16 grams of water you would use 1 gram of coffee. It's also roughly equal to 2 Tbsp for every 6oz of water.

FRENCH PRESS : Add 2 tablespoons of ground coffee to your press, then pour in boiling water (6oz), making sure that all grounds get wet.  Wait about 4 minutes, then gently press it down. Enjoy.

DRIP : Larry advises 7-8 level tablespoons for an 8 cup pot.

POUR OVER : Add a filter to your dripper, and add 2 rounded tablespoons of coffee.  Pour in boiling water and be sure to get all the grounds wet. When the water has completely drained from the dripper, you are ready to drink up!

COLD BREW : Add cold water and coffee grounded into your brew container.  Roughly about 9 cups of water to 1lb of coffee.  Its recommended if you add a bit of water, then coffee, then water and so on.  Wait 12 hours and filter out.  This recipe will give you a cold brew concentrate which you can dilute down with a 3 parts water to 1 part concentrate ratio.

Most of all have fun with it and experiment with different brew methods, grinds, and coffees.  Each brew method will bring out a little bit of a different flavor of the bean.


The 12oz and Kilo bags have printed roast dates on the bottom. For the Bulk bag, there will be a 5 digit number that identifies the roast date.  The first two numbers will be the year and the last 3 will be the day of the year.  For example 16123 would be  May 2, 2016.  With May 2 being the 123 day of 2016.

Privacy Policy


When you purchase something from our store, as part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address.

When you browse our store, we also automatically receive your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address in order to provide us with information that helps us learn about your browser and operating system.

Email marketing (if applicable): With your permission, we may send you emails about our store, new products and other updates.


How do you get my consent?

When you provide us with personal information to complete a transaction, verify your credit card, place an order, arrange for a delivery or return a purchase, we imply that you consent to our collecting it and using it for that specific reason only.

If we ask for your personal information for a secondary reason, like marketing, we will either ask you directly for your expressed consent, or provide you with an opportunity to say no.

How do I withdraw my consent?

If after you opt-in, you change your mind, you may withdraw your consent for us to contact you, for the continued collection, use or disclosure of your information, at anytime, by contacting us or mailing us at:

Larry's Coffee
1507 Gavin Street
Raleigh NC 27608

To protect your personal information, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed.

If you provide us with your credit card information, the information is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and stored with a AES-256 encryption.  Although no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, we follow all PCI-DSS requirements and implement additional generally accepted industry standards.

All refunds will be provided as a credit to the payment type used at the time of purchase within five (5) business days upon receipt of the returned merchandise. Please call customer service at 888-926-0225 if the merchandise cannot be returned. Please note that we can not return opened items. 

We do not do any testing for mycotoxins. The coffee roasting industry does not

routinely test for mycotoxins for there is currently NO reliable and easy method available for measurement.

No. Coffee is naturally gluten-free.

Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines.

Our beans DO NOT contain any of the above. There is nothing added when the beans are roasted. So yes, all of our beans are vegan.

The result of FRESH roasted coffee is a sugar browning reaction which will exude carbon dioxide for up to a week in its whole bean form. All bags will have some degree of "ballooning". There is a one-way degassing valve that allows the carbon dioxide to escape without further "ballooning" or rupturing the bag, but DOES NOT allow oxygen to enter. Hence, the freshness will be retained!

Additionally, the opposite can happen (Vacuum effect) due to atmospheric change in the bag - if we are at near sea level when the coffee is roasted and packaged, and we ship to Aspen, Colorado - the bags will certainly have a vacuum sealed look due to the change in outside air pressure. But the beans are just as fresh, it's the bag doing its job - keeping freshness in and air out!

Larry’s Coffee has built a reputation based on three core elements: 

  • A rock solid commitment to Fair Trade and sustainable agriculture  
  • A creative approach to roasting that aims to highlight the indigenous flavors of the coffee beans themselves
  • And a vibrant company culture that combines hardcore sustainability (think rainwater-flushing toilets, solar power, bio-fuels, energy efficiency, composting and more) with a gonzo, rock n roll, joy-for-life sensibility.

Founder and CEO Larry Larson describes the mission of the company as follows:

“Our purpose in life is to create wildly unique coffees and do what we can to make the world better at the same time. This is why we take our time, slow-roasting our coffees to bring out every note of flavor – and it's why we do things like deliver locally on our used veggie oil school bus, host our city's only bio-diesel 100 pump, and collect rainwater to flush our toilets.”

100% of Larry’s Beans coffee is Organic or Transitional Organic, Fair, Shade Grown, and Kosher. (Larry’s Coffees Organic and Fair Trade practices are certified and audited by Quality Certification Services), and the company works directly with small farmers to source beans sustainably and equitably though Cooperative Coffees – a collective of Fair Trade coffee roasters which Larson helped found. Multifaceted Sustainability. Larry’s Coffees' approach to making the world better goes way beyond coffee. The company has sent a team to Nicaragua to record farmers’ music. It has “green-o-vated” its roasting plant in downtown Raleigh with passive solar, wind-powered vents, rainwater harvesting, fruit bushes and grey-water-fed toilets. And the company provides Raleigh’s only distribution point for locally brewed Bio-diesel 100 fuel.

Larry’s Coffee partners with small-farm cooperatives from 16 countries across the globe. Small-farms are technically defined as farms with 20 acres or less, but most farmers Larry’s works with have around 2 to 5 acres.

In the Global coffee market, small-farmers are easily marginalized since they grow in remote regions, they don't have trucks to deliver their coffee themselves and they and lack access to international market prices,, so they tend to take whatever prices they are offered.

“Most small coffee farmers tend to be ‘price-takers’. That means brokers and exporters can easily take advantage of them by setting their prices unreasonably low. Not only is this unfair, but it also prevents roasters and farmers from forming the kinds of long term partnerships that create the best coffee.” -BB

Larry's Beans is a founding member of Cooperative Coffees, the only cooperative of independent roasters that import Fair Trade beans directly from farmers. Cooperative Coffees purveys what Larry (who has long been a board member of the Fair Trade Resource Network) calls "the gold standard of Fair Trade."

All farmers are offered pre-financing and treated as partners, not mere suppliers.

100% of Larry’s Coffee coffee is Organic, Fair, Shade Grown, and Kosher. Larry Larson, founder of Larry’s Beans, believes that each coffee bean reaches its peak of potential flavor somewhere in the range of twelve to twenty minutes in the roaster. Depending on the individual qualities of each bean, some may be roasted a little more, others a little less, since no one type of bean is the same as another. This range of roasting is what is known as a medium-roast. Larson explains the thinking behind this approach:

“we slow-roast in small batches. It’s how we find those unexplored frontiers of taste. We then blend roasted beans from different producers, and even different regions, to create the unique flavor profiles we are looking for.”

LONG-TERM FAIR TRADE RELATIONSHIPS LEAD TO BETTER BEANS. The basic principle that the best coffee comes from long-term relationships is a central tenet of Larry’s Coffee business model. That doesn’t just mean paying farmers fairly – it means creating a product that farmer and roaster alike can be proud of. (Larry’s has helped organize coffee cupping workshops with their farming partners as part of its efforts to constantly push things forward.)

“Farmers work hard to ensure that their crops taste unique and we do our part to make sure it all comes out in the roast. We don’t over-roast like some larger companies who are attempting to create a uniform flavor over a vast stock of beans. We honor the work of our farming partners by transforming their extraordinary beans into marvelous coffees.” -BB

  • Passive Solar daylighting
  • Raleigh’s only B-100 fueling station
  • Energy efficient task lighting
  • Solar-powered radiant floor heating
  • Reclaimed timber staircase
  • Edible courtyard (Larry loves blueberries)
  • Vermi-culture composting
  • Rainwater cisterns holding 2500 gallons
  • Rainwater flush toilets

Fair Trade is an alternative way of doing business - one that builds equitable, long-term partnerships between consumers and producers. Fair Trade is based on 10 principles as quoted by the Fair Trade Federation (FTF): World Fair Trade organization. Fair wages, cooperative workplaces, consumer education, environmental sustainability, financial and technical support, respect for cultural identity and public accountability. For more, visit the World Fair Trade Organization site at


In addition to independent Fair Trade certification, Larry’s Coffee has made a public commitment to certain Fair Trade practices. The company describes them as follows: • We pay at least the international Fair Trade price or even higher for all of our coffees. • We only purchase coffee from producers who are on the FLO registrar, or are waiting for application approval, or who fit the international guidelines for Fair Trade transparency. • We visit our farmers annually. This ensures open communication, which results in the dual benefit of better relationships and better beans. • We always give farmers repeat business, ensuring a reliable income year to year. • Every fair trade labeling claim we make is audited by Quality Certification Services (QCS). If a supplier can't show you documents that track payments all the way to each individual farmer, then chances are that's not where the money's going. Log onto to check out our document trail which demonstrates that our beans are fair trade!

Shop online at as well as at our partner markets, churches, coops, coffeehouses, and restaurants. Search by location and store type at We ship to any location in the USA.


Cool Dark Place: Think air-tight container in a room temperature cabinet. This is ideal for your daily fix.

Freezer: Best for long storage. Think of it like a deep freeze. Once there, stay there. Going back and forth is not good, and for several reasons. But let’s just leave it at that for the moment.

Refrigerator: No to the fridge. The fridge is subject to sharing smells, AND coffee is highly absorbent. Also, the daily temperature change can cause condensation which can break down the coffee’s flavor compounds. It’s too risky to mess with in our opinion.


Try this on... Once per week go to the airtight container in the freezer to portion out one week’s worth of coffee. Put that week supply into its own air tight container and stow that in a cool, dark, and dry place. BUT: ya gotta follow this special note or all advice is voided. When you tap into the freezer coffee ya gotta be quick. Get the freezer storage container back into the freezer stat. Like paramedic with a defibrillator. Reason? Condensation. H2O will kill the whole storage gig.

First things first- we’re talking pH here, not flavor acidity which is completely unrelated to pH. It is hard to roast coffees and eliminate acid. Typically, the darker roasts have less acidity, but the coffee will not be acid free. The best way reduce a coffee’s natural acidity is to purchase a Cold Water Brewer. It is ideal for people with sensitive stomachs. And the good news- cold brew coffee tastes amazing. Cold brewing produces coffee concentrate which you can use to make hot or iced coffee. We sell cold brew systems on our gadgets webpage [link to page]. How does it work? Cold brewing steeps coarsely ground coffee in cold, fresh water for 16- 24 hours. The grounds are then filtered out and you’re left with liquid concentrate. This concentrate may be stored in the refrigerator for up to six weeks or may be frozen for longer periods. When reconstituted, it becomes a rich, smooth-tasting lower acidity cup of coffee.

YES, all our decaf is water processed and 100% chemical free - and like all our coffee it is 100% Organic. No chemicals are ever used or introduced to any of our coffees, decaf or regular.

Re: Swiss-Water Processing: Early on, Swiss Water Decaf ® was the only option available for maintaining the Organic integrity of the beans. For a long time through patenting they held a virtual monopoly on this type of decaffeination, with the only processing facility located outside of Vancouver. The combination of these two elements made for a hefty added expense, not just in the exclusivity of processing, but also in added round-trip shipping costs and import/export fees. Fortunately (though unfortunate for them), someone dropped the ball on renewing some paperwork which opened the door for competition using the same decaffeination process. These days almost all of Larry's Beans coffees are processed using the nearly identical Water Process by a company called DESCAMEX in Mexico. Not only is pricing more competitive, but the carbon footprint of shipping is significantly reduced - and we love that! Here is a YouTube video which demonstrates the process. This explanation is definitely not as cool as Swiss Water's website, though it is nearly the exact same process. Occasionally we will roast a "lot" of coffee which is Swiss Water processed, but almost entirely these days, our coffees are Water Processed from DESCAMEX. Rest assured that no chemicals are ever used in decaffeinating our coffee!

Unfortunately, all decaf coffee contains some traces of caffeine. It's extremely difficult to remove every last bit of caffeine from coffee because of how important it is to the coffee plant on a molecular level-caffeine is coffee's natural defense against insects.

Studies show that the decaffeination process usually removes around 90% of the caffeine from the bean, give or take. So while an 8 oz cup of regular coffee would have about 85 mg of caffeine in it, an 8 oz cup of decaf would have about 8-10 mg of caffeine. That means you would have to drink 10 cups of decaf to equal one cup of regular coffee.

We recommend somewhere between an espresso grind and a cone drip grind.


Hopefully we were able to answer your questions with the FAQs above, if not please feel free to contact us!